Sarth London Clouds

I loves clouds me.

I think my obsession started from when I worked on Little Cutie and I began messing with painterly clouds in the background. I kept thinking “These clouds are rubbish. I need to observe proper clouds and stuff”. I never did, but it always nagged me in the back of my brain that I should sketch some proper clouds like a proper artist. But I never have time to be a proper artist, so I started taking photos of the fluffy wonders.

And then I became obsessed.

I have a terrible collecting mentality/affliction and once something piques my interest I need to dive in headfirst and know everything about them, have every one of them, pore over every bit of info about them, to the detriment of everything else in my life.

Currently I love cumulonimbus and boy we get some mad ones here in South London (see the beauty up top). They’re so dramatic and foreboding and so damned HUGE.

We get especially big ones outside our studio. Check out this monster:

And here’s a cheeky one above Clarence House from Tuesday (Not strictly South London I know)…

I’m not sure if I’ll ever put one in a comic, but I loves ’em anyway and will keep taking photos of them and stashing them in my flickr stream.

Gotta collect them all!

About Gary Northfield

Hello. I am the world famous cartoonist Gary Northfield. I am mainly known for my brilliant zebra drawings, but I also draw caterpillars and sheep.
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5 Responses to Sarth London Clouds

  1. moonocat says:

    wait until you see your 1st mamatmus

  2. @Moonocat – those dudes look awesome! Sometimes I think I see them, but they’re probably not them at all.

    @dillon – Thanks for that, I shall join right away!

  3. Hi Gary, clouds can be very inspirational indeed. By the way I really like you artwork from Pandemonium, and added you on twitter ( @brillenschnitz ) immediately. Would like to see more of those darker topics from you, especially “Martin Citywit” and “Uncle Smoke” are nice. If you visit my work someday ( ) I’d appreciate your professional opinion… Keep on drawing!

  4. Hello there! Sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I’m supposed to get an email alert, but none were forthcoming… sigh…

    Thank you for your kind words. I would very much like to draw more pictures like the Pandemonium ones, they were great fun to get my teeth into. I’ll check out your blog too and let you know what I think. Thank you again!

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